Management by Opportunity |
"Management by Opportunity" is a vector of innovation, empowerment, change management, motivation and career development.
Innovation is recognized as a key driver for corporate growth and career development. Trouble is: sources for innovation are often overlooked, under analyzed or misunderstood. Technical innovation often overshadows non-tech solutions, which can actually deliver faster results with fewer resources. Business plans often collapse into failure because the underlying opportunities they are trying to seize have not been properly analyzed.
The novel "IpOp Model" provides the missing link that leads to a convincing business plan. This step-by-step toolbox helps entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs identify and turn an opportunity into a feasible plan of action, or realize that it is not worth pursuing. Integrated into the "Management by Opportunity" management practice, it institutionalizes innovation to bring competitive advantages.
Management by Opportunity is a management approach combining the 3 key success factors stimulating bottom-up innovation and intrapreneurship:
IpOp Model
tools empowering people to innovate and take initiatives
- Employees’ motivation driving innovation and cooperation
- Structural conditions supporting the innovation process
The IpOp Model allows executives in large and medium-size organizations to:
- identify new opportunities delivering competitive advantages
- verify that the opportunities are compatible with the objectives and the mission of the organization (or the entrepreneur)
- take advantage of the “golden egg”: leveraging non-tech innovation
- analyze the feasibility and potential of each opportunity
- identify the key success factors and risks associated with the opportunity
- elaborate an effective plan of action to seize the opportunity (turn the idea into a robust project)
- Use a decision model to validate high-, low-tech as well as no-tech innovation
- Write a convincing opportunity case to obtain stakeholders’ buy-in
The IpOp Model web application
lets companies:
- use a unified approach for both technological and non technological innovation
- make sure that in-house innovation supports the corporate objectives and strategy
- monitor and supervise all innovation projects
- remotely coach innovators
- provide their employees with a simple process to turn their ideas into a validated project
- capture all innovation related information and ideas in a user-friendly knowledge management system.